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Housing Insights Central

Delve into articles on market trends, home improvement, and legal tips that guide you to smarter housing decisions.

California Seeks Solution for Housing Needs

The state of California is incredibly polarizing. People have strong opinions about where they stand on the state, it's typically one of two stances they take. They either admire the state (because most who take this stance live t...

Home Buying is Expected to Slow Down, but Should Pick Up in 2023

The building of new homes declined slightly in December 2022. High mortgage rates were most likely to blame. This decline in new home construction indicates a slowdown in the housing market in 2023. With ...

Miami Breaks Ground on $19m Housing Project

Since around the 1960s, under the "Great Society" initiatives, trillions upon trillions of dollars have been spent on tens of thousands of affordable housing projects, including everything from high-rise apartment buil...

COVID-19 Migrants Wreak Havoc on Affordable Housing in New Hampshire

The housing market in the communities of Littleton and Lakes Region in New Hampshire have gotten more competitive as more people have moved to the area in the past year. Two of the area's affordable housing...

America Needs More Walls for People to reside within, not to keep them out

Just a few years ago, there was a housing bubble that led to housing insecurity for many Americans. What are the barriers to housing security today? The simple answer is there is not enough housing i...

Factors to Consider When Buying a House

Are you in the market looking for your first house? Purchasing the first house can be exciting, but it comes with some effort. Since this might be the biggest financial move you will ever make, you should be careful every step of the w...

Affordable Housing Measures Put Landlords in Danger

It's an odd sight to see from time to time; people taking to the streets to shout that their politics are right, and the other person's politics are wrong, and vice versa. This is something that has been as American as app...

Ohio's Housing Demand Is High, But Supply Is Low

On June 5, the Northwest Ohio Board of Realtors gave an interview about the inventory of homes and how the market is performing. It also released some projections about its expectations for the summer. In northwest Ohio, like ...

The 10 Steps to Follow When Buying a Home

Buying a home is one of the most significant investments you may have to make. Choosing the right house may be challenging because of the factors involved, such as cost, neighborhood, and space. Since you will need a lot of time...